Security in the cloudSecurity in the cloud

Security for the Cloud and from the Cloud, SASE/SSE, CASB, etc.

Using the cloud is playing an ever bigger role now in Germany, too. More and more companies are using Microsoft Teams and Office 365 or are operating their own applications in the Azure or AWS cloud.

New threats and specific security controls are relevant in the cloud, and they require detailed understanding of the security aspects relevant in the respective cloud environment.

Security controls like mail security gateways or web proxies are also increasingly often used as cloud services and are meanwhile getting marketed as SASE or SSE solution by almost every large vendor.

We assist you with the creation of concepts, consulting on choosing the most suitable solution, security analyses, and trainings on the security both in the Azure and AWS clouds as well as for Office 365.

Here you will find our latest publications on this topic:

Wolken ohne Regen - Cloud-Sicherheit auf dem Prüfstand
iX November 2021